Sometimes, the system does work

December 22, 2010 at 8:47 am 140 comments

Excuse the abrupt thread this morning- more to add in terms of coverage later. But first, some reactions.

By Adam Bink

Standing in the room for the Presidential bill signing to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” this morning, everything was just surreal for me. I say that because:

  • I’ve heard “DADT repeal is dead” at least half a dozen times- from friends, colleagues, the media, members of Congress. I heard it after the Gates/Mullen letter to Rep. Skelton, after the disastrous anti-equality Congressional election results, after the first failed Senate vote in September, after the 2nd one a few weeks ago… on and on. But we kept pushing- not just at lawmakers and the media, but at naysayers- and got it done. Goes to show it ain’t over until it’s over.
  • That sometimes, the system can work. Over at my home blog,, myself and my colleagues worked hard on the public option fight. The consulting firm at which I work was involved in the financial reform bill fight and the battle to pass the health care bill. I’ve been involved in one way or another in the push to increase the minimum wage over the past several years. All of these were either losses or compromised, half-measures that take where we should be in the country on financial reform and health care (and to a lesser extent wages), from a 1 to about a 4 or 5 on a 10-point scale. But on this, aside from an implementation delay, there was no compromised, half-measure. We fought off the opportunity for a poison pill in the Senate. It was up or down, yes or no. No legislative language on showers, barracks, segregated troops. It was a win, a full win, and that’s not something I’m used to in the past several years.Sometimes, the system does work. Thus, surreal.
  • As President Obama recognized Admiral Mullen for his leadership, a colleague who flew in for the occasion commented to me “boy, it’s weird seeing all these gays in suits applauding the military, ain’t it?” Yes, it is. Times have changed, and that’s surreal too. And when Admiral Mullen sat down before the House and Senate Armed Services Committee after the 2010 State of the Union and said “it’s time”, that’s when I honestly thought we have a real shot at this. And so he should be applauded. By everyone.
  • Here on the East Coast there’s a lot of backbiting in the LGBT community. There will always be. But it was heartening today to see people who I know are strong critics of each other- some even hate each other- exchanging strong handshakes and even hugs. I was glad to see Robin McGehee with GetEqual and Dan Choi, two of the President’s harshest critics, at the ceremony and with positive words to say, to boot. I was glad to see some of my blogging colleagues who are strong critics of brick ‘n mortar organizations, and folks from those organizations who can’t stand the bloggers, congratulating each other. Also surreal. If there was ever a time when we all came together to get it done, I thought it was the last few weeks on this issue. Everyone on the inside and outside, including folks like Bob and Richard in the comments and the rest of you who led the way, had a single-minded focus on getting the votes and making sure the Majority Leader included repeal in the calendar. And that’s what we did.

A great, great day to celebrate. For those members of Congress and the Administration who worked hard and voted right and advocated in the media, my thanks. For those of you who made calls and asked friends/family/colleagues to make calls; donated money to pro-repeal organization efforts to enable this work to happen; wrote letters and harrassed members of Congress in person; pushed the Administration to get this done and lead the way; and everything else you did, give yourself a pat on the back.

We earned this. Sometimes, the system does work. And we made it.

  • As President Obama recognized Admiral Mullen for his leadership, a colleague who flew in for the occasion commented to me “boy, it’s weird seeing all these gays in suits applauding the military, ain’t it?” Yes, it is. Times have changed, and that’s surreal too. And when Admiral Mullen sat down before the House and Senate Armed Services Committee after the 2010 State of the Union and said “it’s time”, that’s when I honestly thought we have a real shot at this. And so he should be applauded. By everyone.

Entry filed under: Don't Ask Don't Tell.

Live DADT repeal signing ceremony thread Post-signing ceremony coverage on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal

140 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 8:50 am

    Great day indeed Adam – thank you!

    • 2. Freddy/Lar  |  December 22, 2010 at 9:15 am

      Thank you Adam, you have once again proven what an asset you are to this site. I look forward for more of your posts.

  • 3. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 9:01 am

    President Barack, in an interview with Kerry Elveld of The Advocate yesterday, he discussed Marriage Equality:

    ”The sentiment I expressed then is still where I am—which is, like a lot of people, I’m wrestling with this. My attitudes are evolving on this. I have always firmly believed in having a robust civil union that provides the rights and benefits under the law that marriage does. I’ve wrestled with the fact that marriage traditionally has had a different connotation. But I also have a lot of very close friends who are married gay or lesbian couples.And squaring that circle is something that I have not done yet, but I’m continually asking myself this question and I do think that—I will make this observation, that I notice there is a big generational difference. ”


    • 4. Bob  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:41 am

      not the comment I want to hear from the president, on Marriage Equality,,,,,

      But it is an honest one,,, and definetly open to movement…. someone needs to tell him he’s on the wrong track, trying to square a circle,,,,, just let the circle be, and open your hands to join in…. the circle doesn’t change, it just becomes more embracing…….. he’s placed himself in a corner,

  • 5. jay  |  December 22, 2010 at 9:30 am

    Backbiting on the east coast? Robin McGhee & The Courage Campaign basically came into the spotlight only by the backbiting done to Geoff Kors & EQCA following Prop 8 in California.

    • 6. adambink  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:58 am

      I didn’t say there wasn’t the same out west, just that it’s prevalent here.

  • 7. Dwight  |  December 22, 2010 at 9:35 am

    Congratulations to the community.

    This from a man that does not happen to be gay, none of my children or grandchildren ( so far ) happen to be gay, none of my siblings happen to be gay.

    What I am is an American, who actually believes in American values of justice, freedom and equality.

    Looking forward to your triumph over being allowed to marry, you are helping to make the American dream… a reality.

    • 8. Ed  |  December 22, 2010 at 9:37 am

      That was a damn awesome response!! Thank You, Dwight.

    • 9. anonygrl  |  December 22, 2010 at 9:44 am

      Thanks Dwight!

      And you should know that you, and others like you, who know the value of equality and who share it are vitally important to the fight. Don’t think for a minute that you are just an observer, you are part of us in all this, and we appreciate it, and your support, and you!

      And that goes for all the lurkers out there who may be reading along and not stopping to say hi (which we would love if you would do from time to time!) who support equality by simply letting their kids know that equal rights are important, showing their friends that they believe in equality, or just standing up and saying “Hey, cut that out” when they notice someone being a bully or a bigot at school, work, home or anywhere. Every bit helps, and brings us closer to the day when equal rights will mean equal rights for EVERYONE.

    • 10. Ed Cortes  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:39 am

      Thanks, Dwight! Also many thanks to Adam, and…

    • 11. Richard A. Jernigan  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:26 am

      Thank you, Dwight!

  • 12. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 9:41 am

    A different view of the signing – the audience.

    • 13. Gregory in Salt Lake City  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:10 am

      tears from that one LLB!

      • 14. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:12 am

        Yes, the first photo – that gentleman that is crying is a very touching image.

  • 15. Straight Ally #3008  |  December 22, 2010 at 9:43 am

    I hope the FRC wastes a ton of their money on a futile effort to reverse this. I’m too much of a realist to think they’d actually spend money on things like helping the poor.

    • 16. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 9:47 am

      Yup – I agree. Put that money back into the economy.

    • 17. Bob  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:21 am

      waste of time and energy to think those thoughts,,, really, here’s hoping,,, we keep a focus on forgetting them and moving forward,,,,

      the real proof will be , one that has already been mentioned on previous threads,,, after repeal,,,,, it really doesn’t make any difference in my own personal day to day life,,,, (after the elation we settle into reality,, what was all that excietment about) life goes on,, as it could, just without the second class status in the military….

      I think that’s the proof of success,, if you ask any person in a country who has already achieved this equality in the military, that’s what they will tell you…. so let that be our guide,, it will slip very quickly out of our centre of attention..

      Don’t give the skeptics air time,,,, mother mary comes to me, after the pass, speaking words of wisdom,, let it be, let it be…….

      And as the survey shows, any delay, in implementation, any foot dragging or nay saying by the nay sayers, only puts everyone in harms way, dot it, quickly, give the order, and let it be…..

  • 18. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 9:45 am

    The participants today: The audience will be made up of approximately 500 attendees, including Administration officials, Members of Congress and key advocates and stakeholders.

    Key list:

  • 19. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 9:49 am

    Today’s event transcribed: (includes comments from the audience)

    • 20. Gregory in Salt Lake City  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:08 am


    • 21. Richard A. Jernigan  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:43 am

      Thank you for this link, LLB. I just sent an email to the President thanking him for signing the DADT repeal, while stating that we as a nation cannot yet rest. As a voter, as an American citizen, as a veteran, I still have work to do, as does he. It is my job to keep reminding not only the President but also Admiral Mullen and Secretary Gates that the certification and actual implementation of the repeal must be done expeditiously, and that we still have more work to do in advancing the cause of Civil and Human Rights. We still have to pass a fully inclusive ENDA, and repeal DOMA, replacing it with a Respect for Marriage which states that the marriages which will be recognized will be marriages between any two adults who meet all other requirements for marriage without regard to gender. I actually had more to say, but by the time I got to that part, I had reached the length limit.

  • 22. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 9:51 am

    Media outlets chime in:

  • 23. Ann S.  |  December 22, 2010 at 9:57 am

    Hooray for the system working!

    • 24. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:07 am

      Some days it does – some days it doesn’t. Glad to see 2010 was a historic year for LGBT and Allies. I believe we will see more of the same in 2011!

      • 25. Gregory in Salt Lake City  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:20 am

        Yes! Woot for good things to come in 2011!!!

      • 26. Straight For Equality  |  December 22, 2010 at 2:14 pm

        LLB, I certainly hope you are right about 2011. However, I am concerned about the threat to marriage equality in NH that the incoming veto-proof Republican state legislature embodies. I will be watching and ready to fight whenever necessary.

        • 27. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 2:17 pm

          I agree about the Republicans. But I always try to keep reminding myself that we past the hurdle this year and finally have the majority of Americans on our side. Hopefully we can keep those numbers moving up – which might give pause for them with knowledge of 2012 looming.

          • 28. BK  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:52 pm

            If they’re as fanatical as we’ve seen them to be, public opinion in favor of marriage equality won’t help our side much.

  • 29. Richard A. Jernigan  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:06 am

    Yes, this time the system did work. It worked because we got angry enough to actually get to work and make our voices heard. That being said, this is not the time for us to rest on our laurels. We must now begin making the necessary phone calls and writing the required emails to make sure that the certification and other steps left in the full implementation are carried out expeditiously.

  • 30. Harriet Forman  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:07 am

    And, it doesn’t work by itself. It will always take gargantuan efforts to roll that boulder uphill…and well worth it when we make a difference. Thanks to all mentioned and unmentioned. Now, it is seriously time to stop circling the wagons and shooting inwards! Can we all learn from this how to work together?

    • 31. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:11 am

      Amen Harriet!

      • 32. Bob  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:29 am

        triple AMEN AMEN AMEN Harriet!!! it took us a while, I think Obama is a great teacher, and we did finally put our shoulders together and grunted, to get that fricking piece of paper that seemed heavy as a boulder, up a huge mountain, together, one sinuglar goal,,,,, “YES WE CAN” we just proved it to ourselves,,,,,

        give us the next task,,, there are many, Adam has mentioned some above,,,, which have only been partial wins, think what our joined effort could do to the likes of the DREAM ACT, I want to go back and get that one, and roll it up to Obama’s desk,,,, I personally let that one slip while focusing on DADT….

        • 33. anonygrl  |  December 22, 2010 at 1:26 pm

          THAT is the answer. Yes WE can. Not yes OBAMA can, not yes the CONGRESS can, yes WE can.

          To expect Obama to accomplish things in a vacuum is unfair. And while he gets to stand in front and make the speeches and get the glory or the grief, it takes ALL of us to get it done.

          And this time, we did! Hurrah for all of us!!!!!

          We got him elected. We got DADT repealed. We are working, and must continue to do so, on DOMA, ENDA, Prop 8, the Dream Act, and everything else that is coming towards us.

    • 34. Richard A. Jernigan  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:02 am

      I agree with you, Harriet. I may not have phrased it well, but that was exactly what I was trying to get across–the fact that we worked together to accomplish this civil rights moment, now let us use the same actions we used for this one to achieve the rest of the civil rights goals!

  • 35. Richard A. Jernigan  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:07 am

    Helps to click the subcribe button first, doesn’t it?

  • 36. Sagesse  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:18 am

    At work. Looking forward to reading and watching later. It must have been so moving to be there!

    • 37. Gregory in Salt Lake City  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:22 am

      I better start actually working too…..

      Happy Day Everyone! This is the first Federal brick of the (Berlin) wall to fall!!!

  • 38. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:28 am

    NOMs newest failed slant – I suppose that we could make a COUNTER commercial showing how NOM uses children to incite hate by using the Westboro Baptist Church’s hate videos since they are ALSO against Marriage Equality…and we know all of those groups work together and all are the SAME…

    Fail NOM

    • 39. Straight Ally #3008  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:32 am

      NOM is protesting exploitation of kids by…exploiting kids in their PR campaign? Dammit, I’m running out of irony meters.

      • 40. JonT  |  December 22, 2010 at 3:09 pm

        I was about to post the same thing. Apparently the concept of irony eludes them.

    • 41. Ronnie  |  December 22, 2010 at 1:53 pm

      NOM better watch their F(BLEEP)ing mouths…..I hope Luke sues them for copyright violations…did they get permission to use clips from his video?….I’m sure they didn’t…but that is NOM’s m.o…..they think they don’t have to abide by the laws of this country…because these laws aren’t written in their “Bible”….Hey NOM you are not above the law….go ahead spread your N(BLEEP)i Propaganda…hope you get sued for everything you own for violating copyright laws……mmmmmmmmmuahahahahaha…..<3….Ronnie

    • 42. Michelle Evans  |  December 22, 2010 at 1:59 pm

      I have to admit that watching the video of the kids and adults constantly using the f-word, not to mention all wearing the word on their clothes, to get across a point about equality is not something I would figure to help our cause. Does anyone know the history of this ad that NOM is lambasting, and why they would decide to do this? It just doesn’t seem like a great strategy and NOM will probably pick up a lot of people after seeing this.

      • 43. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 2:02 pm

        That’s actually THAT groups name, as strange as it is.

      • 44. BK  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:54 pm

        I don’t agree with all that swearing in the pro-equality video; it just doesn’t seem the right course to take.

    • 45. John  |  December 22, 2010 at 2:15 pm

      The whiny voice of kids being “taught to hate” people who think all kids “deserve a mother and father”. Ick.

      I probably wouldn’t have made that video, but I hardly think the religious right (and I myself am religious) can claim the moral high ground when they passed Prop 8 on the basis of “save our children”.

  • 46. Andrew_SEA  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:35 am

    Folks… take a moment.

    Where are you when this happened this morning?

    In the future when talking to people of all ages, a question can now be asked: “Where were you….?”

    I am currently sitting at my desk at work crying like a baby. Coworkers asking me what is wrong, but I don’t care.

    Instead of tears of sorrow – they are tears of joy knowing that my friends – MY FAMILY – can now serve openly with full dignity, respect and equality.

    Nothing happens right away, but the first step is taken and the direction is as bright as the sun.

    • 47. Mark M. (Seattle)  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:23 am

      My Robert and I sat holding hands and crying our eyes out on the couch this morning as we watched history being made….as we watched America take another step forward.
      I will never forget this day!

      • 48. Richard A. Jernigan  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:48 am

        I was here in the office at home, with three tabs running on the laptop once it finally came up–one that was in my email on P8TT, one that was running the White House live stream link, and the one where I was filling out job related paperwork. And I was also crying. BZ was listening to a stream using his BlackBerry as he drove Mother to work. And just a few minutes ago I was crying again as I spoke with the volunteer operator on the White House comment line to express my gratitude for the repeal. For anyone else here on P8TT who also wants to call and leave a comment, the number is 202-426-1111.
        Let them hear from all of us who are glad to see this step toward greater equality!

      • 49. Gregory in Salt Lake City  |  December 22, 2010 at 12:30 pm

        Thank you for sweet post Mark M. : )

        • 50. Mark M. (Seattle)  |  December 22, 2010 at 1:01 pm

          You are most welcome Gregory :-)
          The end of DADT is something we have been anxious about for some time now….Robert served 12 yrs active and 12 yrs reserve and wanted to stop being worried abuot his pension being pulled out from under us should someone find out him Gay.
          He can now rest easy knowing all his years of hard work and service will actually be rewarded as promised.
          Now if we can just get DOMA to fall we can move forward even more towards full citizenship for all LGBT persons.

    • 51. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:52 am

      In my office (acting like I was working, but watching C-Span 3 and clapping along with the audience) – and blogging here at P8TT.

  • 52. Straight Ally #3008  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:35 am

    It’s a great day indeed – managed to listen to speech on YouTube. I don’t know when the next victory will be, but I know it’s coming, and I’m looking forward to it.

  • 53. DebbieC  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:37 am

    When do the lawsuits start to get benefits, pays, and anything else that was taken away because of DADT?

    • 54. Ann S.  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:41 am

      Probably not until after the certification process is complete.

      • 55. Gregory in Salt Lake City  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:15 am

        so grateful to you posters who keep track of the details! (Hi Ann!!)

  • 56. Ed  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:39 am

    Posted at the NOM blog….

    Posted December 22, 2010 at 2:38 pm | Permalink
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Between Maggie and Bryan, there are what? 10 kids? So I ask both of you, praise tell, what would either one of ya’ll do if one of those 10 kids came to u and said, “I’m gay”?

    IT’ll be deleted i’m sure

  • 57. Maggie4NoH8  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:55 am

    Thank you Adam – these particular words hit home with me and made me stop and realize “yes we can” does become “yes we did”.

    I read the NOM Blog as rabidly as this one (I shouldn’t, but I can’t help myself) and just get so *incredibly* frustrated with their lies, deceits, duplicities, etc that I miss the big picture! What it was like when I was a kid, when my older brother was a kid… So, thanks for the pause to appreciate (and return to sanity)!

    Dwight – your post pushed me over the edge… full blown tears. Good ones, and dammit, I enjoyed every one of ’em! LOL Thanks to you as well.

    And another big thanks to P8TT…

    I would have been content with a “civil union” for myself (btw, “Maggie4NoH8” is my personal dig on the infamous cow – I’m really male), but then the idea of marriage came along, and I liked that better. So, I was on the marriage bandwagon…

    Without going into an in-depth discussion, I want to thank the ENTIRE community here on P8TT for changing my entire reasoning surrounding marriage and marriage equality.

    I grew up on a farm in TX, had 15 in my graduating high school class, and although I never struggled with my orientation (thanks Mom and Dad, and gay big brother!!!), I did struggle with the “Nascar” crowd in TX.

    I’ve led my life trying to respect everyone else, but not myself. I have to say thanks to everyone here for changing that – it is possible to respect everyone AND myself too!

    This blog has educated me on so many things: that yes, I *am* worthy of marriage, not just a CU;- a truer understanding of separate really isn’t equal; I *am* empowered to stand up against right or wrong, to name a few…

    In short what I “felt” was right, I now know is morally right, and I have the “tools” (rationale, reasoning, etc) to carry that forward.

    OK – I have a flood going here (maybe incoherent babbling by now), so I’ll stop and finish with this:

    Thank you EVERYONE for having a PROFOUND impact on my life!

    • 58. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:06 am

      Well said Maggie4NoH8 and thank you. We are all learning and growing here and becoming better people.

      I stopped trying to figure out if posters were male or female long ago because of nicknames…which is actually a good thing – gender really doesn’t matter.

      I have made some wonderful friends here, cried, laughed, got angry – all of the emotions.

      We are all worthy of being first class citizens – and it should already be a reality for all of us. Baby steps is what we get, even when we want Giant Strides. But I will accept baby steps – anything that moves us forwards and not backwards.

      Nice to get to know you! Stay with us – we have much to learn from you, from each other and from these events.

      PS…I would have struggled with the NASCAR crowd too!

      • 59. Gregory in Salt Lake City  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:09 am

        you noticed the NASCAR too….scary to me! (see my mis-placed post below)

      • 60. Gregory in Salt Lake City  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:11 am

        ditto!! “I stopped trying to figure out if posters were male or female long ago because of nicknames…which is actually a good thing – gender really doesn’t matter….”

      • 61. Richard A. Jernigan  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:37 am

        I am sure you would have, LLB! Especially since you are much smarter than the typical NASCAR Trophy Girl!

        • 62. anonygrl  |  December 23, 2010 at 1:54 pm

          AND prettier.

          • 63. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 23, 2010 at 2:03 pm

            You both are way too kind!

          • 64. Kathleen  |  December 23, 2010 at 6:22 pm

            I concur.

    • 65. Richard A. Jernigan  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:32 am

      You have really said a mouthful, and all of it good! Once more you have made a profound impact on me, as I am sure you have made on others here at P8TT! Of course, you are worthy of full civil and human rights! And I join with the rest of the P8TT family in saying thank YOU for being such an important part of my life!
      You know, we really need to find some way to get together and see one another, even if only via something similar to Skype!

  • 66. Vicki  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:06 am

    Woo Fricken Hoo! Ok, longggggg time lurker here. I’ve been reading this page every day since it began (anonygrl said we have to come out and say hi, so hi!) I’m a straight ally. I also have a couple of cousin’s and a niece that are gay and I openly support them and you! This is such a great day. My son wants to join the Marines after high school and one of his best friends is bi…he says DODT was a stupid law! I’m raising an advocate in him. I have a disabled daughter and understand discrimination albet a bit different, but discrimination none the less.

    What a great day to witness history!

    • 67. Ann S.  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:12 am

      Thanks for posting, Vicki! Have some cookies and MILK!

    • 68. nightshayde  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:15 am

      Welcome, Vicki! We have quite a lot of straight allies here (myself included). Nice bunch of people!

      We who are legally able to get married and who have chosen to have children are a very important part of the equality battle. By teaching our kids to be pro-equality and letting them know our reasoning and our reasons, we can further the cause — if the kids are well-informed, they can have thoughtful conversations with kids who are willing to listen, and can alert concerned adults if other kids are acting in discriminatory ways.

      Even though some people clearly have a bigger stake in this than others, we are ALL in this battle together. Equality benefits everyone.

  • 69. Gregory in Salt Lake City  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:06 am

    lovely post Maggie4NoH8 : ) thank you for chiming in…please share more if you are up for it…. YIKES! on the “NASCAR crowd” that has to be a hard group!

  • 70. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:44 am

    good – keep it going – the more pro repeal DADT the better.

    DADT Lawsuit Not Dead Yet

    President Obama signed the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” into law today, but the successful federal court case brought against the Log Cabin Republicans is still alive—for now.

    “Before we pull the lawsuit, we’re waiting for the certifications from the military chiefs that this policy will no longer be enforced,” says Melissa Kennedy, LCR press secretary. “We expect that to be within six months, but we can’t pull the lawsuit until then.”

    LCR initially brought a federal lawsuit against the military’s ban on openly gay soldiers in 2004, and on September 9 of this year, judge Virginia Phillips ruled DADT unconstitutional in a California courtroom. The Department of Justice appealed the ruling, while LCR attorneys fought to keep Phillips’s injunction of the policy. The Supreme Court ruled on November 12 that DADT would remain in effect while the appeals process proceeds.

    Everything changed this Saturday, when the Senate, following the House, managed to overturn the policy through legislation. But the policy remains in effect until military leaders develop a plan to implement it. President Obama told The Advocate he hopes this will take months, not years.

    Kennedy doesn’t think the Department of Justice will proceed with their repeal now that DADT has been Congressionally repealed—Kennedy thinks the White House will send a letter to the DOJ telling their attorneys to not follow through with the case. “The Department of Justice probably won’t waste their time,” Kennedy says.

    But LCR will not withdraw their suit until they’re certain that gay people can serve openly. “We’re holding off on the slim chance that this isn’t enforced so we’ll have recourse,” Kennedy says. “For all intensive purposes, it’s a moot point. We’re just waiting on technicalities.”


  • 71. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:49 am

    Reid fulfills promise, returns West Point ring to discharged soldier

    With the repeal of the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Wednesday fulfilled a personal promise he made five months ago to a discharged Army Lieutenant.

    Reid marked the occasion by returning Lt. Dan Choi’s West Point ring to him during a small ceremony in his leaderhsip office, only hours after President Obama signed a formal repeal of the seventeen year-old policy.

    Reid first met Choi at a Netroots Nation convention in Las Vegas in July of this year. At the time, Choi had just been discharged from the Army under the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy. On a stage before hundreds of attendees, Choi gave Reid his West Point ring, and Reid told Choi that he would return the ring when DADT was repealed.

    On Wednesday Reid posted this photo alongside the caption, “Five months after I promised to repeal #DADT, I’m so happy to give back this West Point ring to @ltdanchoi.”

    Choi, for his part, posted a photo of himself wearing his West Point ring. He also wrote on his Twitter account, @ltdanchoi, “The next time I get a ring from a man, I expect it to be for full, equal, American marriage.”


    • 72. Gregory in Salt Lake City  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:55 am

      Gosh….just when I think its safe to read….and something causes me to burst into tears again!

      Thank U Dan Choi for pushing ahead too!
      “The next time I get a ring from a man, I expect it to be for full, equal, American marriage.”

      • 73. Ann S.  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:57 am

        Yup — reading this is when I lost it.

        • 74. Gregory in Salt Lake City  |  December 22, 2010 at 12:05 pm

          The delight on both their faces is, well…DELIGHTFUL!

    • 75. Straight Ally #3008  |  December 22, 2010 at 12:00 pm

      I love this!

    • 76. Richard A. Jernigan  |  December 22, 2010 at 12:56 pm

      Thanks, LLB, for this link! I left a comment here, and I am currently typing through tears of joy and gratitude! I haven’t cried this much, or with this much joy and good feeling, since my wedding day last month!

  • 77. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:58 am

    Seems Senator McCain saw the hate light on over at the Tony Perkins FRC home and decided not to enter.

    Yesterday FRC said Sen. McCain would be working with them to reassess DADT…but Sen. McCain said Uh Uh. First thing you’ve done right in a long time dear senator.

    • 78. Straight Ally #3008  |  December 22, 2010 at 12:03 pm

      Holy crap…even Bob McDonnell is refusing to push this:

      The theocrats are giving up this battle and retreating from the field as quickly as they can, leaving the FRC standing around wondering what just happened. Absolutely magnificent.

      • 79. Gregory in Salt Lake City  |  December 22, 2010 at 12:05 pm


      • 80. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 12:06 pm

        Love it! Thank you SPLC!

    • 81. fiona64  |  December 22, 2010 at 2:06 pm

      It wouldn’t let me post the link to the stats … but 71 percent of female veterans seeking treatment at the VA report being victims of sexual assault. The military only prosecutes 8 percent of those assailants.

      Where is the FRC’s outrage about the epidemic of heterosexual rape in the services? Or doesn’t it matter when it’s “just” female service members?


      • 82. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 2:10 pm

        We could go one step further – only female heterosexual service members.

        But wow are you right – they certainly think it’s okay if it’s done by a heterosexual man.

      • 83. Richard A. Jernigan  |  December 22, 2010 at 3:08 pm

        The FRC has NO outrage about the military women who are raped by male service members. Remember, according to FRC’s way of thinking, any woman who joins the military must be a lesbian, and the rape is considered by them to be a corrective one, and therefore, they do NOT consider it rape. I think this is probably one more reason that the SPLC listed them as a hate group.

  • 84. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 12:00 pm

    Senate Votes to Ratify New START Treaty

    • 85. Gregory in Salt Lake City  |  December 22, 2010 at 12:06 pm


    • 86. JonT  |  December 22, 2010 at 3:19 pm

      Surprising, but good news!

  • 87. Straight Ally #3008  |  December 22, 2010 at 12:10 pm

    Senate passes 9/11 First Responders Bill

    (Not a very lame lame duck, huh?)

    • 88. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 12:13 pm

      Perhaps with all the chatter about DADT they realized we are all watching them…so they better do their jobs!

      • 89. Gregory in Salt Lake City  |  December 22, 2010 at 12:14 pm


      • 90. Bob  |  December 22, 2010 at 1:26 pm

        not perhaps, we in fact did tell them, and they know from the volume of log ins to c-span, we are watching them do their jobs, we are holding them accountable,,,,,

        that’s the peoples part of making the system work,,,, it ain’t easy, and no one really wants to do it,,,, cause it ain’t fun either,,,, but ya gotta get involved,,,, dam eh!! first ya put em there ,, then ya gotta push em to do the job….

    • 91. Ed Cortes  |  December 22, 2010 at 1:21 pm

      Maybe our congressional friends could slip in DOMA, UAFA, ENDA and a few others?

    • 92. JonT  |  December 22, 2010 at 3:21 pm

      About damn time. I think this issue was making the repubs look *really* bad. Jon Stewart skewered them mercilessly for filibustering it continually.

  • 93. ChrisCCR  |  December 22, 2010 at 12:18 pm

    This statement will be somewhat at odds with other comments here.

    I am very, very happy that this ridiculous, ill-conceived policy has been abolished…but I am not proud.

    I am not proud that it has taken my country more than two hundred years to recognize that “liberty and justice for all” actually applies to ALL.

    I am not proud that I have family and friends who flinch when someone mentions homosexuality. I am not proud to have family and friends who have an unreasoning aversion to gay men and lesbians because they were taught to hate “teh gay” when they were kids. I am not proud to live in a country where religious ignorance and bigotry is glorified and lauded by one of our two main political parties.

    I most especially am not proud of a president who takes even the slightest bit of credit for arranging this repeal when it was, in actuality, forced by a series of court cases…the most prominent one having been filed by the Log Cabin Republicans.

    This repeal happened because Congress is trying to save face…because they knew they’d lose the court battle. I am not proud of them either.

    I *am* proud of the many courageous men and women who stepped forward, made their voices heard and brought this law down…YOU are the ones who have done something worthy of praise. You made the military, the courts and Congress agree that it was time to end this. Today, on the day of this victory over bigotry and intolerance, I honor you all.

    • 94. Mark M. (Seattle)  |  December 22, 2010 at 1:09 pm

      Well said Chris!
      And I honor YOU as well!

    • 95. Bob  |  December 22, 2010 at 1:41 pm

      can’t let Obama be diminished like that,,, just take a look at what has been accomplished under his watch,,,,

      and I mention again his authorizaiton for changing the wording to include LGBT people in the human rights agreement at the United Nations……..

      someone post a video here of John McLame,,, doing his rant,, it’s not policy,,,, that child like tantrum,,,,,and compare that to the poise of Obama, cause that was your choice ,,,,, how freaky,,,,, and where would we be if people hadn’t voted for the man with the education, brains, and leadrship………. just pause and thilnk for a moment, before you write off Obama’s efforts in all this…..

      from another country the choice was obvious, be proud you made the right one… jeesh

      • 96. ChrisCCR  |  December 22, 2010 at 1:55 pm

        I really don’t wish to argue with you, but I’ve watched Obama go back on too many promises because they were inconvenient. I won’t give him credit for this when it wouldn’t have happened if not for those court cases.

        I might have voted for him if his campaign people hadn’t continually harassed me for my vote despite me repeatedly telling them to stop calling me. I’m registered as an Independent, and I will not vote for anyone who employs such tactics to be elected. I wound up wasting my vote on a 3rd-party candidate with no possible chance of winning between this and the fact that McCain is a two-faced, useless hack.

        The American political system is a mess, and there are very few decent people working within it.

        • 97. Michelle Evans  |  December 22, 2010 at 2:12 pm

          The thing that struck me today was Obama and so many others talking about how the repeal was allowing ALL Americans’ to serve proudly and openly in the US military. It goes to show that transgender people are still not even on the radar as actual people.

          Don’t get me wrong, the repeal of DADT is a wonderful and long overdue thing, but it should have been for all LGBT citozens, not just LGB. I see this as a day when the rights of trans people are again left out in the cold and rain. And to be frankly and brutally honest, it makes my depression deeper because now there will be no effort to include us in the future. As far as pretty much everyone in the country who is in favor of equality, they believe that the work is done and everyone can relax and enjoy the win.

          I will unfortunately not be surprised when trans people are also left out of ENDA and the eventual DOMA repeal, too.

          To me, today feels a lot like the day Obama was elected in 2008. There was a lot of elation over his win, but also the depression over the fact that Prop 8 had also been passed, further marginalizing a group of people. Today, LGB people were vindicated, while T remains marginalized.

          • 98. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 2:15 pm

            Yes, something we have to remember and remind our representatives about…constant reminders!

          • 99. Michelle Evans  |  December 22, 2010 at 2:21 pm

            Thank you LLB (and all my friends here!).

          • 100. Ann S.  |  December 22, 2010 at 2:32 pm

            Michelle, thank you for your reminders. This is another injustice that remains uncorrected — hopefully this can be remedied soon.

          • 101. Michelle Evans  |  December 22, 2010 at 2:52 pm

            I sent the below email to Senators Feinstein and Boxer concerning this issue:

            I want to thank you, and all your associates in the Senate and Congress for standing firm on the repeal of the DADT policy that ends discrimination against gays and lesbians serving in the military. With Obama’s signature today, and the hopeful quick implementation America will be better off for what has been accomplished here.

            I am, however, still disappointed that, as a transgender veteran of service to our military (US Air Force 1973-1980), that so many people such as myself were not included in the repeal. Everyone thinks that the work is done and equality in the military has been achieved, yet transgender people must still continue to serve in silence as I did, and hide their identities, just as gays and lesbians have had to do in the past. America will not be truly America until ALL people are recognized as human beings, and afforded the same equality as everyone else.

            Thank you for your time and I hope that you will help lead the fight to include gender identity in the law for our military in the future.

          • 102. Kathleen  |  December 22, 2010 at 2:57 pm

            I’m thinking of you, Michelle, and have not forgotten that there is still much work to be done. Thank you for giving so much of yourself here on P8TT and in your community to remind us all of the inequities that still exist for our transgender brothers and sisters.

          • 103. Richard A. Jernigan  |  December 22, 2010 at 3:21 pm

            And once again, it will take all of us here working together to remedy the tragedy and the shanda of our transgender people being thrown under the bus yet again. Yes, it will take all oof us calling, emailing, snail mailing, Facebooking, polling, talking to others, and actually getting out there and voting for people who will include our transgenders in laws to end discrimination. We must take the high road and make sure that nobody is left behind.

          • 104. JonT  |  December 22, 2010 at 3:27 pm

            I agree Michelle. Certainly LGB won a huge victory today, but I don’t think anyone here on P8TT is forgetting the ‘T’.

            I haven’t anyway.

          • 105. Ann S.  |  December 22, 2010 at 3:30 pm

            Michelle, could you educate me further about something please? Do you know what regulation it is that prevents trans people from enlisting? It’s not DADT, I guess?

            Thank you.

          • 106. Michelle Evans  |  December 22, 2010 at 3:52 pm

            I cannot give you the exact law under the military, but there is a law that says that LGBT people are not allowed to serve. This was modified, but not taken off the books when DADT went into effect in 1993. The DADT repeal speaks only of lesbians and gays and makes no mention of trans, so whatever the law is regarding trans within the military code is unchanged.

            I have received emails from various trans groups about how it is still not safe to ever come out, even after DADT repeal. If I get a new one that happens to give the specific UCMJ law, I will be sure to pass it along.

          • 107. Ann S.  |  December 22, 2010 at 3:53 pm

            Thank you, Michelle, that is very helpful.

          • 108. Michelle Evans  |  December 23, 2010 at 12:18 am

            To follow-up with regard to our discussion concerning the fact that DADT does not make it safe for transgender people to serve openly: What I found on researching this further is that the reason this is true is that they still consider transgender people as medically disqualified, so they would be discharged for medical reasons having nothing to do with the repeal of DADT.

            This brings home the huge problem we have in the trans community in that the only way we are given any medical treatment is if we have been identified as having GID or gender identity disorder (as outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual). The new manual is supposed to be changing the name to Gender Incongruence, but it is still in the DSM, and would thus still be used to classify trans as medically unsound to serve in our military.

            Guess I have to give back all the promotions and honors I earned when I served because I was obviously mentally incompetent to have accomplished anything I did.

          • 109. Ann S.  |  December 23, 2010 at 11:02 am

            Michelle, thank you for the further follow-up and information.

            This is very interesting. I wonder if it has to do partly with costs? If the military admits that it is not a medical disqualification to serve, then they might have to cover treatment, which of course can be quite costly (as you know all too well, I’m sure).

            I’m thinking of you and Cherie — is she feeling any better? — and I thank you again for helping to educate me.

          • 110. Michelle Evans  |  December 23, 2010 at 11:33 am

            It has been shown that in the overall scheme of things, medical costs associated with being transgender, from hormone treatment through gender reassignment surgery, are negligible. This was born out in the city of San Francisco when they first started to offer these services through their city health plan.

            The percentage of people who would require theses services is the primary reason for this, but also the fact that the cost is actually not that high when it is included as a health insurance benefit. For example, a top of the line reassignment surgery costs about the same as does a SINGLE knee replacement surgery.

            So even if the military would included full medical benefits for trans people, the cost would not even be noticed in the huge amounts already being spent on health care for military service members.

            What is true in this case, is the simple fact that since our care is outlined in the DSM and not in standard medical texts, they can easily point to us and say that we are mentally diseased and not fit for service.

          • 111. Michelle Evans  |  December 23, 2010 at 11:36 am

            Ann, forgot to answer you other question–and thank you for asking. Cherie is doing a bit better now, but is still in a lot of pain with her foot. Her walking is much easier, so definitely improvement has been seen.

            Looking forward to drying out after this last week of hard, hard rain, and having a laid back Christmas watching our favorite holiday movies, cuddled near the fireplace.

          • 112. Ann S.  |  December 23, 2010 at 11:43 am

            Michelle, thanks for the cost info. I am happy to stand corrected about that.

            Hugs to you and Cherie! I’m glad her foot is improving.

          • 113. Bob  |  December 23, 2010 at 12:45 pm

            Thinking about you Michelle,,,,and wondering …… I don’t know if you have already, but I just googled Transgender issues in the Canadian Military,,,, there’s lots of stuff there,,, on how they are dealing with it, not only them but other countries as well,,,,,, would a connection with anyone from those militaries already addressing the issue be of assitance in helping you pave the way in the U.S.

            also just thinking but LLB posted a link to the United Nations, where the U.S has just included LGBT as a group for protection of Human Rights, which would include the issues you’re dealing with,,,, maybe there could be some follow up there,,,,,,,,, it definelty includes transgender rights but being that the U.S. is the newest member, perhaps that issue needs to be pushed there…

            just thoughts,,,,and hoping cheers to you both Bob

          • 114. Michelle Evans  |  December 24, 2010 at 1:51 am

            Bob, I very much appreciate your ideas, and I wish I had the energy to be at the forefront in something like this. I try to push trans issues a lot with the various groups that I speak with at colleges, the sheriff’s academy, things of that nature. And I think it would be great to be able to do more on a national level, but if I am ever able to do that, it will still have to wait a couple more years before I could get involved any more than I already am.

            To put it frankly, I suffer from very severe depression. It was so ingrained in me for so long when I was hiding my true self, that it is nearly impossible to shake it off. The constant problems with people around me and how I get so much hatred directed at me, just adds to the problem.

            My big goal in life right now is two-fold. First off is survival, trying to make my life bearable enough–which is primarily accomplished with the love and support of my wife Cherie. Second is that I am under contract for a book (not on trans issues) that is already way behind schedule, that must be completed somehow. My depression is the biggest single barrier in why I am so far behind on this, because it is extremely difficult to try and be creative when everything looks so bleak.

            I spent a big part of today typing away on the book, and a couple of difficulties directly tied to this problem, caused me to lose a lot of what I wrote. That really brought me down further, but I was finally able to go back and get done what had to be done for the day, so that in the end, I actually had a positive day. So that is good.

            I hope that all of you on the P8TT know how important you are to myself and Cherie, and that spending time with you here is also one of the few things that makes for a good day–and a good life. :-)

        • 115. Bob  |  December 22, 2010 at 3:02 pm

          such bitterness, it’s not helpful,,, thanks for admitting you blew your vote,,,,,,

          re American political system is a mess,,,,, what are you going to do about that….. bitch and complain,,,,,,, not helpful..

          the pressure of the court cases helpled indeed, but Obama was on the right side of history the other choices were from the religious right,,,,, and would not be helpful at all,,,,,,

          you have your reasons for restraining yourself from any thanks to Obama,,, but he did sign the bill,,,,, sorry if that displeases you….. someone had to do it……

          wondering who you threw your vote away on……. and remembering that election,,, Canadians were glued to the tubes, wondering how possibly Palin and McAin,,, could have turned it into a nail biter,,,,, they definetly were a step back into the dark ages,,,,,,

          • 116. Mark M. (Seattle)  |  December 22, 2010 at 3:15 pm

            Bob, where in Chris’s post did he say he was displeased with Obama signing the repeal?


          • 117. ChrisCCR  |  December 22, 2010 at 9:12 pm

            I threw my vote away on a candidate who was more into alternate energy than any of the others…for what it’s worth.

            I really don’t care which president signed the bill–it was way overdue and, frankly, shouldn’t have been necessary in the first place.

            I don’t think you fully understand why I am not proud, even though I mentioned it in my first post. I’m not proud of my country because NONE OF THIS should have been necessary. If people demonstrated any sort of rational compassion toward each other, laws like DADT would never have been enacted. That is why I’m not proud…I’m not proud that our country institutionalized various forms of bigotry and that we have to go back and correct it. I’m also not proud of all the people who are fighting that correction every step of the way.

            I don’t understand why that’s so difficult to grasp.

            I’m certainly not displeased that Obama signed the repeal. I’m displeased he’s taking credit for something that most likely wouldn’t have happened if the courts hadn’t already ruled DADT to be unconstitutional. He had nothing to do with that.

          • 118. Bob  |  December 22, 2010 at 11:09 pm

            to ChrisCCR,,,, and Mark, time for an embarrasing apology, AGAIN, try as I might, I have once again reacted unecessarily, to a post….

            It was the comment that you are not proud of a president who takes even the slightest bit of credit for arranging the repeal…

            That comment set me off, and I apologize,

            thanks for clarifying, your displeasure with Obama is his taking credit for something that the courts made possible..

            I am sorry, for the knee jerk reaction,,, and lame attempt at defending an action, that clearly is so controvesial, with varying perspectives,

            we both come from countries who have histories of doing things we are not proud of….. let’s count this among them, and be glad attempts have been made to change the situation….

            I don’t find any benefit in our disagreement, personally,, but I would like to learn what benefit both approaches played in the end result, sorry Bob

          • 119. Mark M. (Seattle)  |  December 23, 2010 at 9:40 am

            Big Hugs Bob :-)

          • 120. Bob  |  December 23, 2010 at 11:29 am

            and I do want to say I have noticed your absence Mark, and am so happy to see you back posting,,,, especially considering you seem to be the one that continues to pull me back from the brink,,,, your return was timely for me……

            sending cheers to you and Robert

          • 121. ChrisCCR  |  December 23, 2010 at 12:58 pm

            Bob, no worries – I have done the same thing on more occasions than I care to remember, so it would be in poor taste for me to not forgive someone else for doing the same thing. :-)

            As I said, my biggest problem is that any of this is necessary–this bigotry toward something that is as human and natural as different hair or skin colors is ridiculous. The one thing I find myself completely intolerant of is…intolerance. I find it reprehensible that people teach their children to be intolerant of others, and that those children pass on their prejudices without a second thought.

            I want to change that attitude. I want people to raise their children to think for themselves, so those children can critically evaluate their thoughts and actions and figure out whether or not both are justified…and regardless of whether their personal feelings are justified, no one should believe they have a right to dictate civil rights based on personal or religious prejudices.

            I am straight and white, but I am female. I have been discriminated against on the basis of my gender, and it made me furious. I think the best one was when I got fired for becoming pregnant because my boss “didn’t want to deal with the mood swings.” Nothing I have ever gone through matches what a gay man or lesbian has gone through…but I remember the shame of that moment, and the fear because how was I supposed to get a new job when I was already pregnant unless I didn’t admit I was pregnant? So now I had to lie in order to work…. and how was I going to pay my medical bills with no insurance? How was I going to care for a child if I couldn’t get a job? Like I said–it’s not equivalent at all to what gay men and lesbians have had to endure within American society, but it gave me a good taste of exactly how unjust and uncaring people can be toward others.

            I appreciate Mark stepping in and getting us both to take a look at what was being said and helping us clear up the misunderstanding!

          • 122. Mark M. (Seattle)  |  December 23, 2010 at 2:40 pm

            Thanks Bob….I am glad to be back myself. The stresses in my life really keep me away a lot more these days. I am dealing with enough most days and can not deal with the added emotional turmoil this site often causes me (thanks to NOM and the like)
            I promise to drop in as I can

            @ Chris….you are most welcome too :-)
            I do tend to stick my nose and my opinions into places often best left out….but I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t I guess

          • 123. Richard A. Jernigan  |  December 23, 2010 at 6:31 pm

            ChrisCCR: LIke you I am not proud of the discrimination that is still so prevalent in this country, and I am not proud of those who do everything they can to perpetuate it. However, I am proud of the fact that, because of people like you who refuse to tolerate the bigotry and discrimination, and everyone else here who is part of my P8TT family, and yes, I am including you in this family, this country is beginning to move into a new phase of not putting up with the bigotry and discrimination any more.No, DADT should never have been enacted in the first place, but it was a compromise measure, and one that was never supposed to have lasted this long. Now that it is in the process of certification and implementation of the repeal, I am so very proud of everyone who joined together in making those calls, sending those emails, and not letting up until it was repealed. And as a stand-alone bill, at that! Nobody actually expected it to pass as a stand-alone bill, so that in and of itself is a major step forward! Now we need to take this same energy, this same working together, and use it to bring about the repeal of DOMA, and the enactment of the DREAM Act, UAFA, a fully inclusive ENDA, and a repeal of the ban which prevents our transgender brothers and sisters from serving their country.
            I am also very proud of AFER, Courage Campaign, Olson & Boies, and the four plaintiffs in the Prop 8 trial. They actually had the courage to go forth with a legal challenge that very few people thought would stand a chance.
            Keep coming back, keep posting, and thank you for feeling comfortable enough here to vent.

  • 124. allen  |  December 22, 2010 at 12:19 pm

    I received an email from Obama’s site asking to submit a thank you in petition format. I added the following message to their template.

    “Thank you very much. Admittedly I typically do not actively reach out to my representatives but the injustice known as DADT had prompted me to issue calls to my representation and watch Senate hearings closely. I learned a lot about the House and Senate as a result. Please stand strong on all fronts for equality. We’re making major strides but LGBT citizens like myself are still experiencing discrimination in our law books and unfortunately in our constitutions as well. I look forward to the day DOMA is corrected by congress as DOMA is an issue that affects me personally and is a direct insult to my dignity. If one was to meet my partner and I, I don’t think anyone can reasonably state any institution needs to be ‘defended’ by denying our inclusion.



  • 125. Kathleen  |  December 22, 2010 at 12:47 pm

    Hope to read later.

    • 126. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 12:54 pm

      We hope you get to read later too – some great things today…again!

  • 127. Ronnie  |  December 22, 2010 at 1:02 pm

    Yeah he signed it…..WOOT WOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!…..<3….Ronnie

  • 128. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 1:35 pm

  • 129. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 1:43 pm

    Hmmm… this is interesting and I Like It ; ):

    Obama Signs DADT Repeal, Idaho Professor: “It Lights a Path for Equality.”

    Addressing potential effects of the repeal is University of Idaho Professor and Constitutional Law Scholar, David Adler.

    “This lights a path forward for greater protection, on both, due process and equal protection grounds found within the 5th and 14th amendments,” Adler told Citydesk

    Adler says the long term ramifications may be, “more serious consideration of same-sex marriage and certainly an extension of benefits to partners, “ adding employment non-discrimination based on sexual orientation is, “another important implication in the extension of due process.”

    While the repeal may not have an immediate effect, Adler said,” The practical effect of this action is that it knocks down barriers to due process and equal protection and makes it increasingly difficult for other federal agencies and state governments now to erect barriers to treating all people equally.”

    “What this action means,” said Adler, “Is that any effort from this point forward to engage in discrimination against gays and lesbians will have a much higher huddle to overcome because courts will use, I believe, the strict scrutiny test to justify discrimination on grounds of orientation that becomes more and more difficult by the day.

    “This action,” said Adler, “does light that path forward for broader protection for all people including gays and lesbians.”

    “People are going to look back at this moment, said President Obama, “and wonder why this was ever a source of controversy in the first place.”

    Full Story:

  • 130. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 1:51 pm

    I like that he said he has a bunch of really smart lawyers looking into the range of options for LGBT issues…but I don’t like the last part where he concedes that Republican control of the house is likely to mire profess.

    Obama Affirms Support For Repealing DOMA, Says His Stance On Gay Marriage Is ‘Evolving’

    Asked what other gay rights legislation the White House might be expected to take on in the next few years, the president responded:

    I have been struck — let me take the former — repealing DOMA, getting [the Employment Non-Discrimination Act] done, those are things that should be done. I think those are natural next steps legislatively.

    Obama continued, explaining that he would look for a legislative solution to combat DOMA, which also allows states not to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states:

    As I said before, I have a whole bunch of really smart lawyers who are looking at a whole range of options. My preference wherever possible is to get things done legislatively because I think it — it gains a legitimacy, even among people who don’t like the change, that is valuable.

    Despite the positive rhetoric, the president conceded that Republican control of the House would likely mire progress on these issues, though he insisted that attitudes toward the gay community “are changing rapidly.”

    Full Story:

  • […] new friends alike from all walks of life in the LGBT movement. It was like a family reunion. As I wrote this afternoon, even folks who I know don’t like each other were being cordial, back-slapping and wishing […]

  • 132. John  |  December 22, 2010 at 2:26 pm

    There are a few things I’ll remember my entire life (I’m 33). I remember the Berlin wall falling. I remember the space shuttles exploding and 9/11. I remember standing with my entire office huddled in the basement of an office building marveling during Obama’s swearing in, knowing that it as historic that the nation made another step (in electing a black) towards what we claim to be. I remember reading Judge Walker’s ruling and crying at work with joy – that he so eloquently and wonderfully “got it”. And I remember watching the senate vote. It was too early for me to watch Obama sign it, but it is a wonderful day indeed.

    I will always be proud of the discussions I’ve had with friends and family about why LGBT rights are important, and why they’ve lied. I’ll always be proud of helping others understand God doesn’t hate LGBT people. I’ll always be proud that I called my senators and representatives. I’ll be proud that I wrote my state representatives about the civil union bill that will be introduced in Colorado next year (it’ll be an uphill battle, for sure, and it’s still not good enough as it isn’t marriage, but every step is a good step).

    I’m glad I’ll have something to say to a future generation other than, “No, I didn’t try to stop people from hating gays.” I know all of us here will end up on the right side of history.

    And it’s wonderful to think that my voice, when it was part of this chorus of voices for equality, swayed the nation. Nothing I did was huge, and my name certainly will never appear in any history books, but I’m still proud to have my small part. :)

    • 133. Mark M. (Seattle)  |  December 22, 2010 at 3:20 pm

      Thank you John!!

    • 134. Lesbians Love Boies  |  December 22, 2010 at 4:39 pm

      Wow John, such a very powerful point.

      “And it’s wonderful to think that my voice, when it was part of this chorus of voices for equality, swayed the nation.”

      Beautifully written – all of it.

  • 135. JonT  |  December 22, 2010 at 2:28 pm

    ☮ – will catch up later

    • 136. John  |  December 22, 2010 at 2:30 pm


  • 137. Maggie4NoH8  |  December 22, 2010 at 2:40 pm

    Off Topic – but I ran across this today…

    • 138. BK  |  December 23, 2010 at 12:04 am


    • 139. Mark M. (Seattle)  |  December 23, 2010 at 4:38 pm

      I sent them a scathing email and canceled my pending order….to hell with Target!!!

  • 140. Rhie  |  December 22, 2010 at 10:07 pm



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